How to get the Malfeasance Exotic hand cannon - Destiny 2

The Malfeasance Exotic hand cannon in Destiny 2 is a Taken-killing monster. Unfortunately, acquiring the Malfeasance hand cannon is no simple task. The reason for this is that the quest, Darkness in the Light, is only dropped by a large Ascendant Primeval Servitor in Gambit, which only has a high chance of spawning every three weeks. Even after acquiring the quest to unlock Malfeasance, the difficulty doesn't end there. Players will need to content with bosses that require killing, a unique Strike, and a long romp through dozens of Gambit matches.

How to get Malfeasance Exotic Hand Cannon quest

The quest for unlocking Malfeasance in Destiny 2 is lengthy and challenging. Players will need to rely on a bit of luck, some skill, and a lot of teamwork. The main overarching quest name is Darkness in the Light, which kicks off with The Seething Heart. The main beats of the Malfeasance quest are below, with more details on each section further down the page.

  1. Kill the Ascendant Primeval Servitor in normal Gambit
  2. Defeat 25 Taken bosses or minibosses
  3. Complete a special version of The Corrupted Strike
  4. Deposite Motes and win matches of Gambit
  5. Kill 25 invaders or earn invasion kills in Gambit

Defeat the Ascendant Primeval Servitor - Darkness in the Light

The first step toward beginning The Seething Heart involves killing an Ascendant Primeval Servitor. This boss, lovingly called The Meatball by the community, is a rare Gambit boss that only spawns during the second and third rounds of a match. In order to earn the Malfeasance exotic hand cannon, your team must successfully defeat the Ascendant Primeval Servitor and win the round.

When an Ascendant Primeval Servitor spawns for your team, it will also spawn for the enemy. What this amounts to is a race to the finish, because even if the Primeval Servitor spawns, you will only receive the quest if it dies.

The Ascendant Primeval Servitor has a significantly higher chance to spawn during Strong Curse weeks. When the Gambit boss dies, the quest, Darkness in the Light, will drop and you can move on to the next step.

The Seething Heart / City of Secrets quest line

Players will be tasked with killing 25 Taken bosses or minibosses in the Dreaming City. This step can be accomplished in the Blind Well.

Once the Seething Heart questline appears, it will instruct players to seek out the Drifter. The quest's next step involves searching for clues about the thief in the Dreaming City. The specifics of the quest task the player with defeating 25 Taken bosses or minibosses in the Dreaming City. A good place to tackle this is the Blind Well, specifically the Tier 3 and Heroic Blind Well events. Because there are dozens of Taken enemies here, the step can be completed rather quickly. Another good method is to load up the Corrupted Strike, as there are plenty of Taken enemies within.

The Corrupted Strike

The next step in unlocking Malfeasance is to complete a special version of the Corrupted Strike in the Dreaming City. This version of the Strike will actually take you to Callum's grave, an area discovered before Malfeasance was even available. With this Strike cleared, players will need to return to Drift in the Tower to receive the next step.

Business as Usual

The next step in acquiring Malfeasance is Business as Usual, a task that sends you back into Gambit.

The Business as Usual step in getting Malfeasance tasks players with banking Motes and winning Gambit matches. Losing Motes incurs a penalty whereby progress toward completing this quest step is rolled back. Avoid dying to invaders and try not to fall off any ledges while holding a stack of Motes. With both bars filled, the quest step will complete and you can return to Drifter.

Invading in Gambit

The final quest step for unlocking Malfeasance is to acquire 25 invader or invasion kills in Gambit, by either invading the other team or killing an invader. Alternatively, this step can be completed in one fell swoop by invading and killing all 4 players in one go. Players can also receive points toward this task through the efforts of their allies. If an ally invades and wipes the enemy team, you will receive a third of the benefits. Once completed, return to Drifter to receive the Malfeasance Exotic hand cannon.

The main difficulty with getting the Malfeasance Exotic hand cannon will be trying to ensure the Ascendant Primeval Servitor spawns and that your team is in a good position to kill it before your opponents win. With this done, all that stands between you and the gun is Darkness in the Light, a long and challenging quest. Killing invaders and defeating an entire team is no simple feat. Expect to play a lot of Gambit while unlocking Malfeasance. For more Destiny 2 information and tips, be sure to check out our expansive Destiny 2 complete strategy guide.